D&G Garden Services
Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

We know that you need someone you can trust and recommendations play an important part so we'd like to share what our customers say about our work.


Mr. Carney

"...Keeping on top of the garden was always a chore and Darren and the team make it look so quick and easy. For the cost it isn't worth doing it myself and it looks so attractive now!..."


B. Whittle

"...I just wanted to write to say how pleased I am with the new lawn and path you put in for me. I asked my friend if they knew any good gardeners in the Preston area, and Im glad she recommended you..."


R. Macdonald

"...I can't stop looking at my garden! I was suprised how quickly and painlessly you did it and the job is flawless. Thankyou so much for your hardwork and the way you left everything spotless..."


Geoff & Liz

"...When we moved in the garden was over-run and difficult to cope with. Darren and the team have transformed our garden and thanks to short weekly visits it always looks impressive. It's a pleasure to look at.."

contact form

You can call us on 07843 115775 or email below.

Why not get in touch if you would like to arrange a callback or home visit. All our visits and quotations are without obligation. We do not employ sales people. Your visit will be from one of experienced gardening team who will advise and price up any work.